Jaume Guasch's Publications
Articles, conference proceedings and preprints
In High-Energy/Particle physics, all publications are collected in the INSPIRE database, which is a joint project of the major particle physics's laboratories libraries. It contains links to the abstract, PDF, and journal version of all works, and bibliometric information:
All works are uploaded to the arXiv preprint server. It contains the abstract, PDF, and links to the journal version and other bibliography databases (like INSPIRE)
More recently, some systems have been created that aim to provide a unique identifier for each author: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, global, not-for-profit). Note that these profiles are manually created and updated, and therefore might not be as acurate as the above lists:
ORCID: 0000-0001-9641-5355
Computer Programs
Some works have led to release of computer programs. These are listed in a separate page:
PhD Thesis
Supersymmetric radiative corrections to top quark and Higgs boson physics.
Date: January 18th 1999.
Adisor: Prof. Joan Solà.
Published by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ISBN: 84-490-1544-8.
Thesis (182 p.): English (pdf 1.8M).
Also available as arXiv: hep-ph/9906517 (source, pdf) (INSPIRE) (116 p. due to smaller fonts and other space optimizations).